We asked these exceptional performers: What was most influential in their journey of success?

What they share will shape your path to High Performance Leadership!

You will learn from:

  • John Buchanan– Ex Coach of the Australian Mens Cricket Team

  • David Ballard– Head of Performance, Brisbane Broncos

  • Sami Kennedy-Sim- 3 times Australian Winter Olympian

  • Cliff Morgan– RAAF, organisational psychology

  • Pearl Lim– Business leader, leadership consultant

  • Ali Flynn- Multi Business Owner, People & Performance expert

  • Wayne Reuben- Business leader, leadership consultant

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‘Your Strategic Blueprint to High-Performance Leadership’.

What some of the Senior Leaders, CEO’s and HR Leads have to say about the ebook


Sophie Williams



Sophie Williams


This e-book is an invaluable resource filled with actionable insights that I can apply directly to my role today. It offers a comprehensive perspective on high performance, especially in leadership, providing clear strategies and practical advice.


Tilly Brauer

Exec | Impact Ag

Loved the e-book! I particularly enjoyed the chapter by Clifford Morgan, and the importance of curiosity. Definitely worth the read.


Owen McDonald

Director | Owen McDonald Consulting

Brilliant! So many great ideas I've been able to apply immediately. The 1:1 session with Ali helped me clarify my next best steps and really pull on the leavers that mattered most.

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